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Some karaoke sources
Below are some karaoke sources on the Internet. Surf the pages and click any .kar or .mid files to play on this device. Or use your pc to search the web and copy to your SD-card.
.kar: download direct to this app midisearch
.zip: use pc to download and unzip
or search the web
Google Mobile... Yahoo! Mobile... Bing Mobile
mail your favorite .kar sources urls to:

Disclaimer: This software is designed to help you find karaoke files and information that resides on sites not owned or controlled by Blumedialab B.V. In particular, the software provides link to karaoke websites to help you identify the karaoke files of interest to you. When you select a karaoke file, you will be linked to the original webserver on which the content appears. Blumedialab B.V owns and retains all intellectual property rights to the software; but Blumedialab B.V does not claim ownership rights to the full videos, which are instead held by the sites to which the software links.
© 2009, B.V.